
Disclosure § 5 ECG and § 25 Mediengesetz

Media Owner:
FSM Rechtsanwälte GmbH
FN 481820i
Lange Gasse 50
A-1080 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 8906036,
Place of Jurisdiction: Wien
VAT: ATU77083237

Business Purpose:
Practice of the profession of a lawyer and management of corporate assets including the necessary ancillary activities (§ 21c Z 6 RAO).

Vienna Bar Association,
Rotenturmstraße 13, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Managing Directors:
Dr. Sebastian Feuchtmüller, Mag. Hannes Havranek, LL.M., Dr. Karlheinz Moick, Mag. Benedikt Stockert, MSc.

Applicable Professional Regulations:
Vienna Bar Association, Austria
The Rules of the Bar can be found on:
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