FSR becomes FSM – additional partner in public procurement law
Feuchtmüller Stockert Rechtsanwälte is thrilled to announce our newest public procurement expert Karlheinz Moick as our new Partner.
Dr. Karlheinz Moick has over a decade of experience in public procurement law and is also known for his lecturing activity and his numerous publications in this field. In the last five years he was responsible for the public procurement and purchase departments of the Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG). He is co-author of the first comprehensive reference Legal Commentary on the federal public procurement law 2018 (BVergG 2018).
Substantial changes since 01.01.2019
- New company name: Feuchtmüller Stockert Moick Rechtsanwälte GmbH
- New domain: www.fsm.law
- Expansion of the rapidly growing area of public procurement law and expansion of expertise to include consultancy on innovation procurement (innovation partnership, contracts for research and development services, etc.) and subsidy interfaces.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone whose trust has enabled us to grow steadily since the firm was founded almost two years ago. In 2019 we will remain true to our claim of developing legally and economically optimized solutions at the pulse of time.
The entire team of Feuchtmüller Stockert Moick Rechtsanwälte wishes a successful 2019.